Hanna Wäger
Hybrid & Urgent Publishing
"Women tend to dominate issues of The Bookseller...They also dominate the trade—from recent Booker winners, to bestselling commercial fiction, to agenting, to publishing, and finally (perhaps crucially) to readers. It is more of a wonder, therefore, that all of the chief executives running our major trade publishing businesses are men. As we note in this week’s lead story, women power this business, but it is the men who are at the wheel."

Who takes up the space? Who has power over the space?
Is there a difference between online and offline?
Growing up in a world that is so dominated by crisis and a pressure that often lies heavy on our shoulders it is hard to find your identity within this chaos.

This sentence resonated with me:
How can we grow up if we were already supposed to be adults yesterday? How are we supposed to know who we are in a world of social media that tells who we should be?

Toxic Masculinity / influencer / etc.
Delayed urgency:
How can oppressed claim space in a world and publishing that has been taken from them for too long?
Why do female nipples get censored online and in physical publishing not? (censorship / online and offline)
How do Politics use hybrid Publishing to their advantage? 
Is there a manipulation going on? Is there politics within publishing?
What is an inclusive Publication? (Universal Design) Is there a difference online and offline? esp in Racism?
This means that the design of products, environments, programs and services is usable by all people, to the greatest extent possible without the need for adaptation or specialised design.
Generally I am interested in how hybrid publishing is used for censorship, manipulation, racism, manipulation etc. and
if that has changed trough digital media.
What makes us, us? Is it the colour of our skin, our nationalities or the number of followers on our social media accounts? How do we define identity. How are our identities shaped in times when tiktok dances can create an income and political wars start on twitter? Do we take on a different identity online then we do offline?
I think there is an urgency to talk about growing up and shaping our identities in a digital world and how our identities get influenced by the offline and online space.
Debbie talks to playwright Sarah Jones about identity, community, social justice, and her relationship with her characters. "To live in a culture where self-alienation can be the norm, without our even realizing it -- a culture that says, 'You're not doing enough! You're not perfect enough! What's wrong with you? Keep up with so-and-so, go on Instagram and compare-and-despair with everyone you see.' -- it's so hard to come home to ourselves and have a sense of self-compassion... By cultivating compassion for other people -- by standing in the shoes of another person and imagining for a moment what their experience is, that they're doing the best they can with what they have in every moment, even the people we cast as monsters... -- there's a kind of alchemy that happens where I develop self-compassion through that compassion. And it sort of works in the other direction -- if I have self-compassion, if I'm less critical and exacting about every detail of my life in ways that actually feel punishing ... I can accept the ways the others are eking out an existence. And then I can take it a step further, to actually loving them, respecting them, seeing the bright spots in everyone."
Interesting Resources:

1. https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-35895719
2. https://www.nickbostrom.com/views/identity.pdf
3. https://app.getpocket.com/read/2165511024
4. https://echalliance.com/new-technologies-and-challenges-for-personal-identity/

Social Media and the internet is curating our feeds, are they also curating our identity? Do we have less control of who we are and what we believe?
sherry turkle

danah boyd
Your online identity has broad ripples on your security, policing within in the country. You have to think about what you type on google, what pictures you post, etc. - everything is stored. Big companies like apple or google are trying to find out who you are, what is your identity to make ads more accurate. But at the same time they are also formulating/creating your identity.

What happens when your online identity become separate from your real identity?
“Our generation is stuck in this unique position of trying to create ourselves. As if growing up and making sense of the world wasn’t enough, we have this second space where we are forging our identities, one where no generation before us has set the rules.”
"The internet gives us the ability to craft our ideal personas, but to what extent can we control who we are online and to what extent are we bound by who we are in the real world? From social media statuses to avatars, we connect and communicate and create parallel selves living parallel lives. It seems as though you go online and you can construct any identity you want. "
Feedback sessions:

Abstract or not ?

What can readers can get from them

-> maybe there is an updated version online?

-> Versions or continuesly print out?

Play with interactivity

Choose where to put the text
online or offline?

Headlines , hierarchy, quotes, footnotes

Cover doesn't need to be "over-designed"
Index of Research information
The making of
Poster Series

People choosing their
shapes on the poster